Friday, November 12, 2010

Freedom of Blogging...

If I blogged that...

I am God.

God says, smoke marijuana.

...What would happen?

Likely nothing. But in West Bank, that is not the case. Blogger Walid Husayin was arrested for the posts he placed on his blog and Facebook groups. He's an atheist, and some of his writings satirized the Koran. That was enough to get him imprisoned for heresy. He said the same things I said above, and his consequences were hardly small. Though he hasn't been charged yet, he is being detained for who knows how long.

This is a perfect example of the technological and governmental barriers that Palestine faces. Quite honestly, writing the above statements makes me feel like I should be a little wary. It's helping me realize how much freedom I have and how easily that freedom is taken away in certain countries around the world.

1 comment:

  1. Tori, I understand what you mean about being a little "wary" to write the above statements.

    As we're researching freedom of religious communication in other countries, we're also critiquing and criticizing some of them. And at least as I'm writing these criticisms, it makes me a little nervous that I will anger someone from that country or get in trouble for what I write-- but that's when I remember that I'm in a country that has the gift of freedom in religious communication, and then I'm even more thankful for the freedom to speak and share my opinions.
