Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Westboro Baptist Church

Warning: this is a loaded post. I'll start with the Westboro Baptist Church. I'm not usually one to harp on my religious views. I don't mind talking about it, and I certainly don't mind justifying my views, but there is a time and place for these discussions. I do come from a Christian family--my dad's a minister at our local Presbyterian church. I've learned to accept different backgrounds and viewpoints as a Christian, but this is something I just can't seem to justify or accept.

The Westboro Baptist Church is an extremist church founded by Fred Phelps, who shows up and protests at soldiers' funerals with posters clad with sayings like "Thank God for Dead Soliders," and "Burn in Hell," and "God Hates Fags." So basically, while a family is praying at the gravesite and putting their son, daughter, sister, brother, father, or mother's casket into the ground, this church will attend and completely disrespect the family with protests in hope of "spreading God's message." Oh, and for the record, they believe that gays are responsible for all of the bad in the world.


In a world of free speech and freedom of religion, it's a challenge to justify the hate this group projects upon the world with their "religion." Although the right of free speech is warranted, it's a struggle to watch these families literally go through Hell-- not only by the news of their loved one's death, but by not being able to appropriately grieve as each family should be entitled to do. It's an example how religion can be completely misconstrued and warped if given the opportunity.

Check out this video. It features 2 members of the Westboro Baptist Church after they got out of a court case dealing with a lawsuit from a soldier's family. For the record, their website is

Brings up the question: does the right of freedom of speech justify the acts of this hate group?

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