Thursday, November 4, 2010

Terrorists Target France and Burqa Ban

Here is a link to an interesting article and video. Anything that has bin Laden targeting anything is something that I would read. This article explains how, apparently, bin Laden reached out to France last Wednesday, threatening and justifying an attack on the country because of the burqa ban it implemented. The audio, which was verified as bin Laden speaking, is the first of its kind to target France individually.

This is just one example of how the burqa ban decision has impacted people all over the world. If bin Laden is listening, there has to be a lot more people with negative opinions on this matter as well.

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting that you say you'd want to read anything bin Laden has to say, because it made me think of communication methods and how different figures attract more attention.

    Although I'm sure France was afraid to be targeted by bin Laden's comments, he attracted attention to religious freedom and communication.
